MainLiving room sets

Mēbeles viesistabai Soho 3

  • Product description

    Mēbeles viesistabai Soho 3 - Polija - Cama meble - Modernās viesistabas - Sekcijas Vitrīnas Plaukti

    Mebeles viesistabai SOHO no Polijas rūpnīcas CAMA MEBLE ražošanas kvalitāti Eiropas skaidu kompānija EGGER vai KRONOSPAN, kas atbilst visiem Eiropas standartiem, higiēnas, nav smaku un neizdala formaldehīdus.

         Korpusa materiāls: laminēts DSP, 16 mm bieza;
         Fasādes materiāls: skaidu lamināta, 16 mm bieza.
      Ir iespējams pasūtīt šādās krāsu variācijās: korpuss - Balts matēts / fasāde - Balts pulēts; korpuss - Balts matēts / fasāde - Melns pulēts; korpuss - Sonoma ozols / fasāde - Balts pulēts; korpuss - Melns matēts / fasāde - Balts pulēts; korpuss - Melns matēts / fasāde - Melns pulēts; Komplektā ietilpst:
    •  vitirina augsta - 129 €
    •  vitirina augsta - 129 €
    •  kumode - 143 €
    •  plaukts - 22 €
    UZMANĪBU! Cena bez gaismas plauktiem.   Platums: 252 cm
    Augstums: 192 cm
    Dziļums: 41 cm

    Tiešā mēbeļu piegāde no Cama meble rūpnīcas līdz Jūsu mājai!

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  • Info about manufacturer


    CAMA FURNITURE is synonymous with good quality and reliable performance. FURNITURE CAMA products to meet every taste, especially those customers who are looking for unconventional solutions in interior design. A wide range of products allows you to freely their choice in such a way as to keep the individual taste of the recipient. Impeccable performance brand products CAMA FURNITURE with quality materials is a guarantee of reliability.

    CAMA FURNITURE company has been in business for many years and has been designing and selling wholesale and retail furniture. Built from the ground up company over time has gained a strong position on the Polish market and abroad. Offered furniture is made according to our projects. Our business has gained a number of loyal, satisfied customers. Through experience we strive to continuously expand our offer and improve the quality of our products. By creating our collections we follow the latest global trends, so that combined with functionality and comfort create an original design presented on the furniture.

    The diversity of our furniture help to create different arrangements, letting freely arrange both large and small interior.

    All our furniture are covered by the registered industrial design.

    We thank our customers for their trust and we hope that with the presented offer state interior will have a subtle and modern look.






In stock:

The choice of materials
Width 252 cm
Height 192 cm
Depth 41 cm

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